Any% Squirtle

This guide is an interactive version of PulseEffect's Any% Squirtle route.

Before Starting

  • Use the IV constraints on the left if you are a beginner, otherwise use the constraints on the right:

    BeginnerIV AdvancedIV

    Additionally, only allow Modest, Mild and Rash natures.

  • Avoid 28 Sp. Atk unless really good stats.

  • The first 6 steps on normal grass, 7 steps in Viridian Forest, and 8 Steps in Mt. Moon are a 1% chance to get an encounter. This rule restarts after every brand new encounter.

New Game

  • Choosing the boy or girl is preference.
  • Give yourself a 1-character name ("A" is fastest).
  • Give your rival a 1-character name ("A" is also the fastest).

Pallet Town

  • Check and insert your Trainer ID into the RNG Manipulation Program.

  • Walk outside then head north towards the grass have Oak stop you.

  • Mash through text until you can pick and manipulate Squirtle.

  • Head down and fight your rival.

  • Enter your Squirtle IVs:

    Sp. Atk
    Sp. Def

  • Rival 1

    • Bulbasaur: Tackle
      • Reset if Bulbasaur ever outspeeds you.

Route 1-2

  • Grab the Potion from mart guy.
  • Kill any level 2 or 3 Pidgey / Rattata along the way.
    • Attempt to kill an extra Pidgey / Rattata on Route 1.
  • Grab the Parcel at the mart then head back to Oak’s lab.
  • Catch Pidgey / Rattata if you come across them (Tackle once to weaken).
    • Do not try to force an encounter since there are backups later.
  • On Route 2 cut through the grass before the Viridian Forest entrance (2nd tile to the right) it is 1% to get an encounter.

Viridian Forest

  • Avoid all non mandatory trainers.

  • Grab the Antidote near the sign above the 2nd Bug Catcher.

  • Grab this hidden Potion if necessary.


  • Let the Bug Catcher walk to you from the middle tile if not grabbing the Potion.

  • Bug Catcher Sammy

    • Weedle: Tail Whip x1-2, Tackle x4-6
      • Swap Tail Whip with Tackle turn 1 before using it (Right + Select, A + A).
      • Spam Bubble if level 7.
      • Poison Sting damage:
      • Poison damage at level 6: NaN
      • Poison damage at level 7: NaN
  • If poisoned, use Antidote at 5 HP after the fight.
    • In torrent for Brock's Geodude.

Pewter City

  • Head straight to the gym.

  • Camper Liam

    • Geodude: Bubble (x2)
    • Sandshrew: Bubble x2-4
      • Scratch damage:
  • Leader Brock

    • Geodude: Bubble (x2)
      • 87.5% (14/16) to OHKO at level 11
      • Consider Withdraw Turn 1 if HP is too high for Torrent.
      • Tackle damage:
      • Tackle damage at +1 Def:
    • Onix: Bubble (x2)
      • 56.25% (9/16) to OHKO
      • Teach Water Gun over Tail Whip (Mash A)
      • If you drop speed with Bubble, it will Rock Tomb you at 24+ Speed.
      • Rock Tomb damage:
      • Tackle damage:
      • Rock Tomb damage at +1 Def:
      • Tackle damage at +1 Def:
  • Head straight to the mart and buy

    • 8x Potion (↓)
    • 3x Antidote (↓)
    • 3x Awakening (↓↓)
    • 3x Repel (↓↓↓)
    • If you need Paras (FireRed only), then buy a Paralyze Heal instead of one Potion.
  • Head to Route 3 to get your running shoes.

Route 3

  • Attempt to get torrent in as little turns as possible on this route.

    • If no torrent for level 14, get it off the 2nd level 10 Caterpie.
      • +NaN HP upon level up
    • If no torrent for level 15, get it off the level 11 Caterpie.
      • +NaN HP upon level up
  • Bug Catcher Colton

    • Caterpie: Water Gun (x2)
    • Weedle: Water Gun (x2)
    • Caterpie: Water Gun (x2)
  • Go above shorts guy and fight the next bug catcher.

  • Bug Catcher Greg

    • Weedle: Water Gun
    • Caterpie: Water Gun (x2)31 Speed Ties at -1
    • Kakuna: Water Gun (x2)
    • Metapod: Water Gun (x2)31 Speed Ties at -2
  • Bug Catcher James

    • Caterpie: Water Gun (x2)31 Speed Ties at -1
    • Metapod: Water Gun (x2)31 Speed Ties at -2
  • If you did not catch Pidgey on Route 1, catch a Spearow / Pidgey now in the grass below the lass (Bubble to weaken, Tackle if in torrent).

    • If no HM Slaves, can catch Nidoran F / Nidoran M for Cut and Strength.
    • Can Bag Manip the Lass for a free pass.
  • Grab the Persim Berry.
    • Check optional Mt. Moon trainer selection below.

Mt. Moon

Select your optional trainer

  • Bug Catcher Robby
  • Youngster Josh
  • Rocket Spinner
  • Hiker Marcos
  • Run up 8 tiles then

    • Register TM Case
    • Equip Persim Berry from the Berry Pouch if you got it.
    • Use Repel
  • Grab this Rare Candy near the Bug Catcher (after fighting him if you’re fighting him). Rare Candy

  • Fight ONE of the following optional trainers for EXP depending on the situation

    Bug Catcher Robby Youngster Josh

    Rocket Spinner Hiker Marcos

    • Bug Catcher Robby (if Torrent for level 16)

      • Caterpie: Water Gun
      • Caterpie: Water Gun
      • Metapod: Water Gun
      • +NaN HP upon level up
    • Youngster Josh (if Torrent at level 15 and want to keep torrent)

      • Rattata: Water Gun
        • Quick Attack damage:
      • Rattata: Water Gun
        • Quick Attack damage:
      • Zubat: Water Gun (x2)
        • 62.5% (10/16) to OHKO in torrent
    • Rocket Spinner (if you can take a hit from Hyper Fang)

      • Rattata: Water Gun (x2)
        • 62.5% (10/16) to OHKO in torrent
        • Hyper Fang damage:
      • Sandshrew: Water Gun
    • Hiker Marcos (no Torrent and can not tank Hyper Fang)

      • Geodude: Bubble
      • Geodude: Bubble
      • Onix: Bubble
  • Force the Rocket Grunt to walk up to you to save repel steps by running.

  • Rocket Grunt

    • Rattata: Water Gun (x2)
    • Zubat: Water Gun (x2)
      • Both OHKO in torrent
  • Super Nerd Miguel

    • Grimer: Water Gun x2
      • If you can survive two turns of Poison and a Tackle then use Antidote on Voltorb.
      • Poison damage : NaN
    • Voltorb: Water Gun (x2)
      • 56.25% (9/16) to OHKO in Torrent
      • Tackle damage:
    • Koffing: Water Gun (x2)
      • 87.5% (14/16) to OHKO in Torrent
      • If poisoned, Antidote immediately if you need aRattata / Sandshrew / Paras. Otherwise skip and revive with a Rare Candy in Cerulean City.
  • Praise Helix and head outside of Mt. Moon.

Route 4

  • Talk to the Karate Man on the right and teach Mega Kick over Withdraw (Slot 4).
  • If you have no Cut slave, catch a Sandshrew / Rattata in the grass (Tackle to weaken).
    • Can teach Strength to Sandshrew later if caught.
    • If you die using a Rare Candy will revive Wartortle.

Cerulean City

  • Grab this hidden Rare Candy.

    Rare Candy

  • Open your bag

    • Use 2x Potion.
    • Rare Candy to level 20.
    • Teach Bite over Bubble (Slot 3).
  • Head to the gym.

  • Skip both gym trainers and talk to Misty from the right side.

  • Leader Misty

    • Staryu: Bite x2
      • 93% to 2HKO with 31 SPA
    • Starmie: Bite, (Tackle), Bite
      • Tackle if low roll on the first Bite
      • Swift damage:
      • Water Pulse damage:
  • After the fight:

    • Teach Water Pulse over Tackle (Slot 2).
    • Heal for Rival so you can survive a Quick Attack and Vine Whip.

Nugget Bridge

  • Rival

    • Pidgeotto: Water Pulse, Bite
      • 25% (4/16) to OHKO with Water Pulse Torrent
      • Quick Attack damage:
    • Bulbasaur: Bite, Mega Kick
      • Vine Whip damage:
    • Abra: Water Pulse
      • 81.25% (13/16) to OHKO
    • Rattata: Water Pulse
      • Quick Attack damage:
  • Bug Catcher Cale

    • Caterpie: Bite
    • Weedle: Bite
    • Metapod: Bite
    • Kakuna: Bite
  • Lass Ali

    • Pidgey: Bite
    • Oddish: Mega Kick
    • Bellsprout: Bite
  • Youngster Timmy

    • Sandshrew: Bite
    • Ekans: Water Pulse
    • Can Water Gun everything from here in Torrent
  • Lass Reli

    • Nidoran M: Water Gun / Water Pulse
    • Nidoran F: Water Gun / Water Pulse
  • Camper Ethan

    • Mankey: Water Gun / Water Pulse
  • Rocket Grunt

    • Ekans: Water Gun / Water Pulse
    • Zubat: Water Gun / Water Pulse

Route 25

Select your trainer

  • Camper Flint
  • Hiker Nob
  • Go above the Hiker and grab this hidden Elixir.


  • Hiker Wayne

    • Onix: Water Gun
  • Yolo the camper spinner and fight the girl below him (1/16 to hit you with proper movement).

  • Picknicker Kelsey

    • Nidoran M: Water Pulse
    • Nidoran F: Water Pulse
  • If you have Torrent for level 27 and 28+ SPE, then fight Hiker Nob instead of Camper Flint.

    • Camper Flint

      • Rattata: Water Pulse
      • Ekans: Water Pulse
    • Hiker Nob

      • Geodude: Bite
      • Geodude: Bite
      • Geodude: Bite
      • Machop: Water Gun
  • Lass Haley

    • Oddish: Mega Kick
      • 81.25% (13/16) to OHKO at level 25 with Water Pulse Torrent
    • Oddish: Mega Kick
      • 37.5% (6/16) to OHKO with Water Pulse Torrent
    • Pidgey: Bite
      • Quick Attack damage:
  • Grab this hidden Ether (risky but can skip if Torrent at 26 and 2x Mega Kick left).


  • Get the SS Ticket, then run back to Cerulean City and enter the Dig house.

  • Ether before Drowzee / Raticate if you need the Mega Kicks (not in Torrent).

Cerulean City

  • Rocket Grunt

    • Machop: Water Pulse
    • Drowzee: Mega Kick
      • 18.75% (3/16) to OHKO with Water Pulse Torrent
      • Headbutt damage:
      • Confusion damage:

Route 6

  • Grab this hidden Rare Candy and consider the Sitrus Berry with low Sp. Def.

    Rare Candy Sitrus Berry

  • Avoid the Bug Catcher and fight the Camper below the girl trainer.

  • Camper Jeff

    • Spearow: Water Pulse
    • Raticate: Water Pulse / Mega Kick
      • Quick Attack damage:

Vermilion City

  • Head straight to the mart and buy

    • 5x Super Potion (↓)
    • 3x Paralyze Heal (↓↓)
    • 3x Repel (↓↓↓)
  • Head to the S.S. Anne.

S.S. Anne

  • Before fighting the rival:

    • Rare Candy to level 27 if you do not level out of torrent.
      • +NaN HP upon level up
    • Ether Mega Kick if you have not already.
    • Keep Torrent if you are still in it and will not die to a Quick Attack.
  • Rival

    • Pidgeotto: Water Pulse or Water Pulse, Bite
      • Quick Attack damage at level 26:
      • Quick Attack damage at level 27:
    • Ivysaur: Bite, Mega Kick
      • Vine Whip damage at level 26:
      • Vine Whip damage at level 27:
    • Raticate: Water Pulse / Mega Kick
      • Quick Attack damage at level 26:
      • Quick Attack damage at level 27:
    • Kadabra: Bite
      • Confusion damage at level 26:
      • Confusion damage at level 27:
  • Talk to the captain for HM01 and take the Bed Lady's free heal on the way out.

Vermilion City

  • Press Select to teach Cut to Rattata / Sandshrew.

  • Cut the bush and enter the gym.
  • Save after you find the first switch of the puzzle.

    • The second switch can be located to any adjacent can.
    • Soft reset if you did not get the second switch after saving.
  • Gentlemen Tucker

    • Pikachu: Water Pulse
  • Leader Surge

    • Voltorb: Water Pulse (x2)31 Speed Ties
      • 81.25% (13/16) to OHKO
    • Pikachu: Water Pulse
    • Raichu: Water Pulse, Water Pulse or Water Pulse, Mega Kick
      • Shock Wave damage:
      • Quick Attack damage:
      • Quick Attack damage at -2 Def:
  • Get the Bike Voucher, then run back to Cerulean City.

Cerulean City

  • Get the Bicycle, then register and use it.
  • Head to the right towards Rock Tunnel.

Route 9-10

  • Jr. Trainer Alicia

    • Oddish: Mega Kick
    • Bellsprout: Bite
    • Oddish: Mega Kick
    • Bellsprout: Bite
  • Run-into-bike manip the Hiker spinner (if you mess up just use bike from the bag).

  • Bug Catcher Conner

    • Caterpie: Water Gun
    • Weedle: Water Gun
    • Venonat: Water Pulse (x2)
      • 43.75% (7/16) to OHKO without Torrent
  • Grab these berries if short on Awakening (Chesto Berry) or Paralyze Heal (Cheri Berry).

    Chesto Berry Cheri Berry

  • Grab this hidden Rare Candy after the Hiker (he has a vision range of 1 tile).

    Rare Candy

Rock Tunnel

  • Use Repel as needed.

    • Use Elixir on Repel menu as necessary for Mega Kick PP.
  • Walk along the green path. Fight yellow trainers and avoid red trainers.

    Rock Tunnel Map 1

  • Pokemaniac Ashton

    • Cubone: Water Gun
    • Slowpoke: Bite (x2)
      • 25% (4/16) to OHKO
  • Walk along the green path. Fight yellow trainers and avoid red trainers.

    Rock Tunnel Map 2
  • Pokemaniac Winston

    • Slowpoke: Bite (x2)
      • 18.75% (3/16) to OHKO
  • Jr Trainer Martha

    • Oddish: Mega Kick
      • 100% to OHKO
    • Bulbasaur: Mega Kick
      • Razor Leaf damage:
  • Hiker Eric

    • Machop: Water Pulse
    • Onix: Water Pulse
  • Walk along the green path. Fight yellow trainers and avoid red trainers.

    Rock Tunnel Map 3

  • Hiker Oliver

    • Onix: Bite (x2)
      • 81.3% to OHKO
    • Onix: Water Gun
    • Geodude: Bite
  • Walk along the green path. Fight yellow trainers and avoid red trainers.

    Rock Tunnel Map 4

  • Jr Trainer Sofia

    • Jigglypuff: Water Pulse
    • Pidgey: Water Pulse
    • Meowth: Water Pulse
  • Hiker Dudley

    • Geodude: Bite
    • Geodude: Bite
    • Graveler: Water Gun
  • Run-into-walk manip the Supernerd (Run-into-bike manip is slower due to lag from music transitions).

  • Walk along the green path. Fight yellow trainers and avoid red trainers.

    Rock Tunnel Map 5

  • Jr Trainer Dana

    • Meowth: Bite
    • Oddish: Mega Kick
      • Check how many Mega Kicks you have here.
    • Pidgey: Bite

Lavender Town

  • Head south to the mart and buy

    • 4x Escape Rope (7x ↓)
    • 7x Super Repel (↓)
  • Head left to the next route.

Route 8

  • Fight the Gamer below.

    • Gamer Rich

      • Growlithe: Water Gun
      • Vulpix: Water Gun
  • Avoid all the trainers and head into the building above the bikers.

Celadon City

  • Head straight to the game corner.

  • Rocket Grunt

    • Raticate: Water Pulse / Mega Kick
      • Quick Attack damage:
    • Zubat: Water Pulse
  • Talk to the poster and head into the Rocket Hideout.

Rocket Hideout

  • Grab this Rare Candy before going into the spinny tiles.

    Rare Candy

  • Grab the Black Glasses before heading downstairs.

    Rare Candy

  • Before battling the lift key guy:

    • Rare Candy to level 35.
    • Put your cursor on Escape Rope.
  • Rocket Grunt (Lift Key Guy)

    • Koffing: Water Gun / Water Pulse
    • Zubat: Water Gun / Water Pulse
  • Head towards the elevator to floor B4 and fight the left Rocket Grunt first.

  • Rocket Grunt

    • Sandshrew: Bite
    • Sandslash: Water Pulse
    • Ekans: Water Pulse
  • Rocket Grunt

    • Ekans: Water Pulse
    • Sandshrew: Bite
    • Arbok: Water Pulse or Bite, Water Pulse
      • +NaN HP upon level up
  • Giovanni

    • Onix: Water Gun
    • Rhyhorn: Water Gun
    • Kangaskhan: Water Pulse x2-3
      • 98% to 2HKO with Torrent
      • Mega Punch damage:
      • Mega Punch damage at -1 Def:
  • Grab the Silph Scope and Escape Rope out.

Celadon City

  • Bike straight to the mart and take the elevator to 5F (↓↓).
  • Buy at the bottom vendor:
    • If low on Mega Kick or high HP after Giovanni
      • 4x X Speed (↓↓)
      • 21x X Special (↓)
      • 4x X Accuracy (↓)
      • 2x Guard Spec (↓)
    • If 2-3 PP for Mega Kick left
      • 1x X Attack
      • 4x X Speed (↓↓)
      • 18x X Special (↓)
      • 5x X Accuracy (↓)
      • 3x Guard Spec (↓)
  • Take the elevator back down and bike west to get Fly.
  • After obtaining Fly:
    • Teach Fly to your bird.
    • Heal to around 44 HP.
    • Use Super Repel.
    • Equip Black Glasses.
    • Toss Moon Stone (makes for faster scrolling up and down in the menus).
    • Fly to Lavender Town.

Lavender Tower

  • Rival

    • X Attack Strategy

      • Pidgeotto: Guard Spec, X Accuracy, X Attack, Water Pulse / Mega Kick
        • Quick Attack damage:
      • Ivysaur: Mega Kick
        • Razor Leaf damage:
        • Razor Leaf damage at ⅓ health:
      • Gyarados: Mega Kick
        • Stall a turn if no Torrent.
        • Thrash damage:
      • Growlithe: Mega Kick / Water Pulse
      • Kadabra: Water Pulse
    • X Special Strategy

      • Pidgeotto: X Special x2, Bite
        • Only use one X Special if in high enough HP to tank a Overgrow Razor Leaf and Thrash.
        • Use an X Accuracy if you get hit by Sand Attack (Yolo if you get hit by it twice).
        • Quick Attack damage:
      • Ivysaur: Water Pulse / Bite x2
        • Water Pulse with Torrent is 81.25% (13/16) to OHKO at +2.
        • Bite is 68.75% (11/16) to OHKO at +2.
        • Razor Leaf damage:
        • Razor Leaf damage at ⅓ health:
      • Gyarados: Bite x2
        • Stall a turn if no Torrent.
        • Thrash damage:
      • Growlithe: Bite
      • Kadabra: Water Gun
  • Head to the 5th floor avoiding all optional trainers along the way. Do not grab any items till the 6th floor or use the healing pad.

  • Channeler Tammy

    • Haunter: Water Gun / Water Pulse
  • Channeler Jennifer

    • Gastly: Water Gun
  • Channeler Emilia

    • Gastly: Water Gun
  • Grab this Rare Candy before fighting Marowak.

    Rare Candy

  • Ghost Marowak

    • Marowak: Water Pulse
      • Mega Kick / Bite for one turn if not in Torrent.
      • Bonemerang damage:
  • Head upstairs and let every Rocket Grunt walk up to you along the way.

  • Rocket Grunt

    • Zubat: Water Gun
    • Zubat: Water Gun
    • Golbat: Water Pulse
      • 50% (8/16) to OHKO without Torrent.
      • If you need damage it is 1/4 to get a damaging move.
  • Rocket Grunt

    • Koffing: Water Gun
    • Drowzee: Water Pulse / Bite
  • Rocket Grunt

    • Zubat: Water Gun
    • Zubat: Water Gun
    • Rattata: Water Gun
    • Raticate: Water Gun / Water Pulse
      • Quick Attack damage:
  • Talk to the old man to exit, then fly to Celadon City after getting the Poke Flute.

Celadon City

  • Grab the Tea from the old lady in the Celadon Mansion.
  • Wake the Snorlax and run away.
  • Enter the cycling road.

Cycling Road

  • Bag manip the spinners at the beginning.

  • Grab this hidden Rare Candy (3rd sign down) and this hidden Max Elixir.

    Rare Candy Max Elixir

Fuchsia City

  • Head straight to the Safari Zone.

Safari Zone

  • Before the grass in the second area

    • Rare Candy to level 41.
    • Use Super Repel.
  • Grab this Full Restore.

    Full Restore

  • Grab the Gold Teeth and get HM03 from the guy in the house.

  • Can grab this hidden Revive for safety.


  • Fly to Fuchsia City and head to the gym.

Fuchsia Gym

  • The 1st and 3rd trainer in this gym are spinners, fight the 2nd guy.

  • During the bag manip on the 1st spinner:

    • Teach Surf over Water Gun (Slot 1).
  • Juggler Kirk

    • Drowzee: Surf or X Special, Surf
    • Drowzee: Surf
    • Kadabra: Surf
    • Drowzee: Surf
  • Heal out of Weezing/Muk kill range on the 2nd spinner.

  • Leader Koga

    • Koffing: Surf
    • Muk: Surf, (X Special), Surf
      • Use X Special if 60+ HP or if in Weezing kill range after level up.
      • Sludge damage:
      • Poison damage : NaN
    • Koffing: Surf
    • Weezing: Surf (at +1) / Water Pulse, Surf
      • 68.75% to OHKO
      • Sludge damage:

Fuchsia City

  • Grab Strength from the warden.
  • Once outside:
    • Use Super Repel.
    • Heal out of Growlithe kill range if necessary.
    • Fly to Pallet Town and Surf south to Cinnabar Island.

Cinnabar Island

  • Go to the mansion (approach from the left side).

  • Grab the Carbos for Sabrina's Alakazam.
    • Skip it if you fought two Pidgey / Rattata on Route 1.


  • Grab this hidden Elixir and TM14 before grabbing the Secret Key on the table.

    Elixir Blizzard

  • Before exiting the mansion:

    • Teach Strength to Sandshrew if you caught one.
    • Teach Blizzard over Mega Kick (Slot 4).
    • Use Escape Rope and bike to the gym.

Cinnabar Gym

  • Puzzle answers are A, B, B, B, A, B.

  • Leader Blaine

    • Growlithe: (X Special), Surf / Water Pulse
      • Use X Special if no Torrent for Arcanine.
      • Use Water Pulse only if low PP on Surf.
      • Take Down damage:
      • Fire Blast damage:
    • Ponyta: Surf
    • Rapidash: Surf
      • Bounce damage:
      • Fire Blast damage:
    • Arcanine: Surf
  • Exit the gym and say no to Bill.

  • Fly to Celadon City and bike to the gym.

Celadon Gym

  • Head through the left side of the gym.

  • Beauty Tamia

    • Bellsprout: Bite
    • Bellsprout: Bite
  • Beauty Lori

    • Exeggcute: Bite
  • Leader Erika

    • Victreebel: Surf / Blizzard
    • Tangela: Bite
    • Vileplume: Blizzard
      • Giga Drain damage:
  • Exit through the already cut bush, then Fly to Celadon City and bike to Silph Co.

Silph Co.

  • Take the stairs to 5F.

  • Always bag manip the Rocket Spinner. Can Bag Manip the Scientist walker if need be.

  • On spinner bag manip:

    • Use Max Elixir.
    • Use Carbos now.
    • Heal to around 74 HP.
  • Rival

    • Pidgeot: X Special (x2), X Accuracy, Surf
      • Use 2x X Special if Feather Dance turn 1.
      • Wing Attack damage:
      • Quick Attack damage:
    • Venusaur: Blizzard
    • Gyarados: Blizzard, Bite
      • 68.75% (11/16) to OHKO at +2
    • Growlithe: Bite
    • Alakazam: Water Pulse / Surf
  • Rocket Grunt

    • Cubone: Bite / Water Pulse
      • 81.25% (13/16) to OHKO
    • Marowak: Water Pulse
    • Drowzee: Water Pulse
  • Giovanni

    • Nidorino: Surf
    • Nidoqueen: Surf
    • Kangaskhan: Surf
      • 81.25% (13/16) to OHKO
      • Fake Out damage:
      • Mega Punch damage:
    • Rhyhorn: Water Pulse
  • Escape Rope out and bike to the gym.

Safron Gym

  • Tile puzzle is Top Left, Bottom Left, Down.

  • Leader Sabrina

    • Kadabra: Surf
    • Mr Mime: Surf
    • Venomoth: Surf
      • Psybeam damage:
    • Alakazam: Surf
  • Escape Rope out, then Fly to Viridian City and bike to the gym.

Viridian Gym

  • Take the spinny tile on the right.

  • Blackbelt Takashi

    • Machoke: Surf
      • 87.5% (14/16) to OHKO without Torrent
    • Machop: Surf
    • Machoke: Surf
  • Cooltrainer Warren

    • Marowak: Water Pulse
    • Marowak: Water Pulse
    • Rhyhorn: Water Pulse
    • Nidorina: Water Pulse / Surf
    • Nidoqueen: Water Pulse / Surf
  • Giovanni

    • Rhyhorn: Water Pulse
      • If less than 5 PP on Surf, you can Water Pulse everything in Torrent.
    • Dugtrio: Water Pulse
    • Nidoking: Surf / Water Pulse
    • Nidoqueen: Surf / Water Pulse
    • Rhyhorn: Surf / Water Pulse
      • Water Pulse if only 3 Surf PP left.
  • After exiting, bike to Route 22.

Route 22

  • Use Full Restore before fighting the rival.

  • Rival

    • Pidgeot: X Special x2, X Accuracy, Surf
      • Consider X Accuracy skip if you can live a Razor Leaf.
    • Venusaur: Blizzard
      • Razor Leaf damage:
    • Rhyhorn: Bite
    • Gyarados: Bite, Blizzard / Surf
      • If Gyarados uses Rain Dance you can Surf instead of Blizzard.
    • Growlithe: X Speed, Bite
      • Skip X Speed if Gyarados used Rain Dance and can tank a Psychic.
    • Alakazam: Surf
      • Psychic damage:
  • Do not Super Repel for the grass after Rival (1% chance to encounter).

Victory Road

  • As soon as you reach the water behind the 4th guard:
    • Use Super Repel (keep up till Indigo Plateau).
    • Teach Strength over Water Pulse (Slot 2) if you do not have a Sandshrew.
  • Avoid all trainers.

Indigo Plateau

  • Box heal and deposit HM slaves (from "Move" menu).
  • Buy max Full Restore (↓).

Elite Four

  • Lorelei

    • Dewgong: X Special x4, Bite, Bite
      • Surf if low roll from first Bite.
      • Check your X Speed count here.
    • Cloyster: Bite
    • Slowbro: Bite
    • Jynx: Surf
    • Lapras: Bite x3
      • Body Slam damage:
  • Heal to at least 80 HP before Bruno.

    • Do Mid HP Bruno strategy.
  • Bruno

    • High HP Strategy

      • Onix: X Special x2, X Speed, Surf / Bite
        • Use an extra X Special if missed Rock Tomb.
        • Bite both Onix at +3 or more.
        • Rock Tomb damage:
        • Earthquake damage:
      • Hitmonchan: Surf
        • Mach Punch damage:
        • Sky Uppercut damage:
        • Rock Tomb damage:
      • Hitmonlee: Surf
      • Machamp: Surf
      • Onix: Surf / Bite
    • Mid HP Strategy

      • Onix: Guard Spec, X Special x2, Surf / Bite
        • Continue setting up X Special until +4 or at least +2 and in Torrent.
        • Bite both Onix at +3 or more.
        • Rock Tomb damage:
        • Earthquake damage:
      • Hitmonchan: Surf
        • Mach Punch damage:
        • Sky Uppercut damage:
        • Rock Tomb damage:
      • Hitmonlee: Surf
        • Can use Super Potion here.
      • Machamp: Surf
        • Need at least +2 in torrent or +4 without Torrent to OHKO.
      • Onix: Surf / Bite
  • Heal to high Torrent before Agatha (usually Oran Berry out of Shadow Punch range).

  • Agatha

    • Gengar: X Speed, X Special, Surf
      • Need at least +3 from here without Torrent.
      • Shadow Punch damage:
    • Golbat: Surf
    • Arbok: Surf
    • Gengar: Surf
    • Haunter: Surf
  • Heal to full HP before Lance.

  • Lance

    • Consider risky strategy if 2x Dragon Rage puts you into Hyper Beam range.

    • Safe strategy

      • Gyarados: Bite, X Accuracy, X Special, Blizzard, Blizzard
        • 41.8% to 2HKO
        • Hyper Beam damage:
      • Dragonair: Blizzard
        • Hyper Beam damage:
      • Dragonair: Blizzard
        • Hyper Beam damage:
      • Dragonite: Blizzard
      • Aerodactyl: Surf
        • If Ancient Power boost, heal and torrent Surf.
        • Hyper Beam damage:
    • Risky strategy

      • Gyarados: X Accuracy, X Special, Bite x2, Blizzard
        • 85% to 3HKO with Bite x2, Blizzard
        • 83% to 2HKO with Bite Crit and Blizzard
        • Hyper Beam damage:
      • Dragonair: Blizzard
        • Hyper Beam damage:
      • Dragonair: Blizzard
        • Use Elixir if you missed a Blizzard.
        • Hyper Beam damage:
      • Dragonite: Blizzard
      • Aerodactyl: Surf
        • If Ancient Power boost, heal and torrent Surf.
        • Hyper Beam damage:
  • Heal to full HP and use Elixir before Champion.

  • Champion

    • Pidgeot: Guard Spec, X Speed, X Special x3, Surf
      • If you get into Torrent, skip the third X Special and heal on Gyarados.
      • Need +3 without Torrent or +2 with Torrent to get past Alakazam.
      • Can Blizzard at +2 if Guard Spec runs out.
      • Aerial Ace damage:
    • Venusaur: X Accuracy, Blizzard
      • Skip X Accuracy if feeling risky.
      • Bite and Surf instead if +3 and in Torrent.
    • Alakazam: Surf
    • Rhydon: Surf
    • Gyarados: Bite, Blizzard
      • Blizzard x2 if at +2.
      • Thrash damage:
    • Arcanine: Surf
      • Extreme Speed damage:
  • Ending split is on fadeout after Hall of Fame.

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